Elmhurst College High Jump Clinic

    Tuesday, July 7th (9:00am - 12:00pm)

    During the 2019 season, the Elmhurst Bluejays were ranked 13th in the nation as a four-person high jump event squad. Bluejay jumpers earned 3 All-CCIW honors and added 6 performances to the program's All-Time Top Ten List.

    Come learn the technical skills of the high jump from the Elmhurst jumps coach and current Bluejay jumpers.

    Topics covered include:

    • Warm up for the high jump
    • Setting marks and steps consistently
    • Approach Mechanics
    • Takeoff Mechanics
    • Troubleshooting your High Jump
    • Off-season Drills and Skills
    A $50 registration fee is payable at check-in. This clinic is open to current high school athletes only.

    Registration will be limited to meet current safety guidelines in place by Elmhurst University and state and local governments. Wearing a mask will be required throughout the check-in process. Masks will not be required during the clinic, but social distancing measures will be required by all participants.

    Questions may be directed to the Elmhurst Jumps Coach, David Stone, at david.stone@elmhurst.edu.
    Registration Information
    Athletic Information