Earn a post-graduate certificate in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from Amal Jyothi College of Engineering (AJCE), India, and a master's degree in Computer Information Technology with a specialization in Data Science from Elmhurst University in two years.

    Partnership Highlights
    • Complete your PG certificate at AJCE in your first year and fulfill all academic requirements for admission to Elmhurst University’s master’s degree program.
    • Complete your master’s degree at Elmhurst University in your second year with twelve months of full-time study.
    • Students who successfully complete the AJCE PG certificate and who satisfy Elmhurst University’s general admission requirements for international students are guaranteed admission to the Elmhurst University master’s degree program.
    • Students in both programs have access to live projects through our joint Advanced Analytics and Innovation Lab, supported by Taborit Inc.
    • Course topics include data visualization, data engineering, machine learning, ML Ops, deep learning, generative AI, AI applications, data governance, and project management.
    • Students who successfully complete the master’s degree in computer information technology are eligible to apply to Elmhurst’s MBA Option program to earn a second master’s degree, in business administration, with one additional year of study.
    Tuition and Fees
    Semester Hours Covered by Student
    18 hours
    Semester Hours Fulfilled in Transfer
    6 hours
    Semester Hours Covered by Voucher
    6 hours
    Semester Hours Required
    30 hours
    Discounted Rate Per Hour
    Total Tuition Paid for by Student
    Fees Paid for by Student
    $460 Technology Fee
    $1,200 Mandatory Health Insurance
    Total Cost to Student*$15,736

    * This does not include living, dining or other expenses such as books, transportation, etc. Please expect to see a higher value on the I-20 financial affidavit as that will include estimated living expenses for a full academic year. 

    James (Jim) Fehring, M.A.

    Assistant Director for 
    Graduate Admission


    Ali Ghane, MSEE, MSBE

    Program Director, Computer Information Technology

    (630) 617-3366

    James "Jim" Kulich, Ph.D.

    Program Director, Data Science and Analytics

    (630) 617-3575